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Autor Téma: Prace v hotelu u Heathrow  (Přečteno 12940 krát)

Karma: -1
Příspěvků: 17

« : Srpen 05, 2014, 05:30:19 pm »

Are you interested in working in a prestige Heathrow Hotel?  

We are currently recruiting for Room Attendants in the area.  If you live near there or would like to work in Heathrow, or know anyone else who would like to work there, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Pick up the phone and call one of the Calibre team now on 0207 839 2233 or 07966 915 073 as soon as possible and we will be happy to discuss this fabulous opportunity with you further.

We are all looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
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